Venue Spotlight: Weymouth Pavilion

Sometimes, the location of a venue is as special as the venue itself. Our latest Venue Spotlight is on Weymouth Pavilion - a venue perched right on the water's edge at the far end of the eternally popular beaches of Weymouth. The Pavilion has been through many guises…

Unusual Venues: Trains

Following on from our recent post about venues that are also boats [], we've uncovered a host of venues and events connected, in some way, to the railway. Many are carved from railway arches or sit as part of a station, some take place…

Did You Know...?

At Ents24, we're constantly introducing new short-cuts, widgets and tools to make the gig-spotting and ticket-buying processes even easier, whether it's introducing filters to show which venues have good disabled access [], or creating a gift voucher generator. So, here are some…

Ents24 Staff: March Picks

Hopefully by the time you read this Spring will have sprung, leaves will be growing and all manner of critters will have appeared from hibernation. Certainly, a host of comedians, musicians and theatre performers have dusted the Winter off them and re-emerged for your entertainment this March. The Ents24 team…

Unusual Venues: Boats

In amongst the 19,000+ venues whose events you can find on Ents24, there are plenty of unusual finds and unexpected gems. For example, there are venues that used to be public toilets, venues carved out of the UK's railway network and venues that started life as car…